Dark Emperor Jester (Daegan Prime) has stepped in as the ruler of the Demagan Empire as founded by his uncle Darth Ruin and then Passed to Daegan as he reached the age of Rule. a fierce and mighty warrior with a clouded back story... it is said he was born of demon.... or vampyre. but to clear the rumors he is the son of a princess of demaga (Sister in Law to King Jester) and the Great Tazzy II of Confedrate States Of Tazznation. He has served in the Demagan infantry elite special operation unit as a Merghi Warrior "Dark warrior" for 5 years and is a veteran of three wars. 21 years of age and Cold and Calculated the people of Demaga have rallied behind his voice in a Fanatical admiration as he is the last heri in the Macara family line. Half Brother to the Leader of Tazznation this has further tied the two great nations together..

 DARTH RUIN.... Sith Lord of Darkness

Uncle to Daegan Simmons (Prime) he has held demaga in tight control in the abscence of his brother King Jester. lost to darkness from a young age he has become a powerful sith and has trained a powerful apprentice. the once apprentice of Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Bane he learned much about power, passion, and battle. he is a dark and misterious figure known only by his closest and most trusted of allies....

for many decades so much as the sight of Lord Ruin ment certain death to those who challenged his power. he has ended the lives of countless jedi and has himself been killed twice... however his hatred and will refuse his acceptance of death no matter how much the broken spirit trapped in the cold hollow shell of darkness pray for it....

pulled from his dead mothers womb this being has never known love or kindness and has brought pain and suffering to any who grace his path...... for this soul.... there is nothing but darkness...

in walked a man draped in black, his eyes lifeless and cold......... and hell followed with him

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