Aboslutley in Love with the Gothic style of architecture every city in Empire is unique, beautiful, and dark. many great castles and Keeps have been built to house the Embasies, Royalty, and people of Demaga. every brick is care built, placed, and finished creating a truely breath taking scenery and Infrastructure system. and even more amazingl than the architecture is the fact that adverse fro the technology possesed by the Empire the structures are hand built by everyone for the betterment of the nation.

proud of who they are and what they are demagans have a great pride in the way they present themselves as they are clean, orginized, and well educated. little known is it that the people of Demaga are a caring and nurturing race. (contrary to the beliefe that they are monsters and feed off violence) while they are easily roused from slumber and extremly hostile to intruders they are extremly caring and nurturing to their own race and their allies... in a recent loss of their homeworld the Union of Alternatives sent a Cry for help which was answered in force by Demaga who fought valiantly to evactuate their allies from their Dying world and have brought them to Demaga and have given the more fertile Western Hemisphere of the planet to their Allies in need and the two societies have Flourished in co-operation. the people of Demaga Frown unpon interbreeding  and refrain from mixing with other societies but none the less have opened their world to their ally in need.

The EMpire has pledged to all of her Close allies a Blood Oath... that if every the service or the blood of demaga shall be required for her allies survival. Demagan will rally to their aid and fight for their allies survival as if fighting for their own... and in several occasions this oath has been enacted and the Venegance and Wrath brought down upon the enemies of the Demagan Blood Pact have been slaughtered mercilessly... the fights are legendary the violence is life altering but Demagans belive so wholeheartedly in Service to their allies and brothers in arms more Demagans have died in the fires of combat defending her allies than the empire itself... none the less a factor deemed necessary to protect their interests enlistment in the Military sky rockets as those who wish to prove to the galaxy that their voice will be heard, their lash will be felt, and their wrath ever lasting... Demagans prefere Diplomacy above all else but have none the less wracked worlds with pain and violence in the times when words have Failed and the Empire is less than affraid to unleash their might if ever a show of force is required to quell a situation.... No Greater brotherly love has been shown by the sacrifcice of Demagan Lives to defend their ally the Confederated States of Tazznation as hundreds of Demagans marched to thier death to protect their Brother nation in the war against the League of 100 Nations..

that fateful day burns deep in the minds of mourning families of Demaga but they will if needed rise to arms once again if needed by her allies in selfless Defense. 

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