The Demonpyre Race is a race of Scholars, Alchemists, Artists, and Warriors... they follow a Nobility Caste system of Lords and Landowners ruling over Serfs... the common people of Demaga known as the "Serfs" are by no means poor peasants but merely based off heredity they are the less pure bloodlines of the demonpyre species. though the technology of the planet is extremly advanced they follow the old Gothic style of architecture and life... seen as a dark and crytic race they have become the very embodiment of the Shadows and very few "outworlders" are allowed on the surface of the planet to walk amongst the streets of the society. the exceptions are the Ruling Class of the nations: Tazznation, Sera, Union of Alternatives, Kingdom Hearts, Ravenkore, New Korriban, Kamino, Zombie Nations, and the Empires Sith Brethren.

The People of this Dark world enjoy Many Social Liberties and much Economic freedom. a General Standard of wellbeing and acceptance has been indoctrinated into the populace and the citizens enjoy a Free Medical care system and "nutritional substance" is deliverd to each home once a day from a government formed service to ensure that each family is cared for and has the same hope as the wealthier families..

Demagans spend much of their day conversing and furthering their knowlede and understanding of life and the universe. the quest for knowlege is unending and a sacred tradition in Demaga. the proud society flies flags of their nation above every street and in every home. they have the understanding that as the only Demonpyre species in existance they are constantly under the threat of extinction and have developed many orginizations to secure their existance, the brutally Patriotic people have formed a Powerful military and what it lacks in mass numbers it makes up for in training, equipment, flexibility, and dedication. the galaxy has seen much of the Demagan Military but little of the people as they still tend to be a recluse society

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