DEMAGA home to the Demonpyre species. Hybrid warriors of Demon and Vampyre ancestry for thousands of years a recluse planet of daeth and doom to all who dared to venture to its surface... though the planet itself appears dark and dead the surface thrives in an arid dessert like Jungle. a strong magnetic field has brought many moons to the planet and has created a Gravitational force of 1.5 times earth. a warrior race born by war forged through brutality and violence for millenia the predominate species on this planet have seen war that would doom even the bravest of warriors. yet still the nation thrives. now a galactic superpower as the supplier of some of the finest Battle Equipment demaga has waged a bloody quest through the Galaxy to survive and conquer all those that would bring harm to their race. Demagan hold a high regard for loyalty and Patriotism and every healthy male between the ages of 17 and 30 serves a minimum of 6 years in the Demagan Military. the planet hides deep in the outer rim approximately 30 parsecs from Earth. its closest Neighbors are Korriban and Kamino. fiercly territorial and known as "suicide soldiers" the Demagan Military has waged bloody war after bloody war to defend their interests and their home.. they have been known throught the galaxy as the Fire Nation and have proven that though they are a relatively small nation the Empire is afraid of no man, no nation, and no alliance. they are ruled under the Iron will of Dark Emperor Jester and his nation serves his will with a "crazed" loyalty as he has reigned for over 200 years and has pulled his nation from the brink of collapse to the Juggernaut it has become.  
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